Tickets on Sale Soon

Published: 05. January 2024

By: Ingvil Snøfugl

Vikersund 20230319. 
Silje Opseth jubler over andreplassen under damenes skiflyging i Vikersund under Raw Air turneringen.Anna Odine Strøm gratulerer.
Foto: Geir Olsen / NTB

Are you ready for unforgettable sports moments? The Raw Air and World Cup Nordic combined ticket release will be on January 19.

Raw Air is one of the world’s most challenging ski jumping tournaments. Learn more about Raw Air

The tournament is part of the World Cup, but there is also an overall winner for Raw Air. What is unique about this year’s tournament is that it is back in Trondheim, and the athletes must be very versatile. The competition takes place in three different hill sizes. Additionally, the women will once again compete in Vikersund, which is a step in the right direction for the sport of ski jumping.

“There has previously been a fantastic atmosphere in Granåsen during Raw Air. We are looking forward to testing the World Championship hills and creating a great framework for the event for the audience with food, drinks, and entertainment. The athletes will create fantastic sports moments. That, we can guarantee,” says CEO of WSC 2025, Åge Skinstad.

Halvor Egner Granerud won Raw Air in 2023. In March, the world elite will come to Trondheim and Granåsen. Photo: NTB

The Raw Air circus comes to Trondheim on Tuesday, March 12, and Wednesday, March 13. The following weekend, the world’s best Nordic combined athletes will come to Trondheim to conclude the World Cup on March 16 and 17.

“We will warmly welcome the Nordic combined stars and hope they will enjoy the World Championship facility,” says Skinstad.

Single-day and two-day Raw Air and WC Nordic Combined tickets will be available. The World Championship organizer will also sell week passes at a favorable price. All tickets are unnumbered.

“We are working on exciting concepts for various audience groups. We welcome families and offer activities for children. We will also tailor offers for businesses and students, which we will provide more information about,” says ticket manager Roar Munkvold.